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Connext Technology Blog: Customer experience

QSR Tech Trends: Holiday Season Edition

Discover the latest technologies Quick Service Restaurants are embracing during the holiday season...

4 Key Components for Successful Technology Implementation

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, it's easy to put all the focus on the technology...

The Growing Impact of Climate Change on the Supply Chain

The technology sector is currently facing significant hurdles due to supply chain problems that are...

Sports and Technology: A Key Partnership

In the modern digital era, the connection between sports and technology has become more powerful...

The Role of AI in Retail Security Technology

When we think of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and security, it is easy to conjure images of WOPR...

The Growing “As-A-Service” Trend Surrounding Technology Implementation

We have all heard the term As-a-Service… It’s been around since 2001 when the cloud brought us...

Balancing online expectations with in-store experiences

Making sure you have a net for this high-wire act.