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Use Case: Discount Convenience Retailer

A leading global Network Service Provider  (NSP) was engaged by National discount convenience retailer to trial a new product that would utilize cellular connectivity as the primary and backup in order to create a simplified and consistent network infrastructure that could support growth and innovation at more than 7,000 sites.

The NSP needed a software-focused connectivity provider that could monitor, provide ticketing, reporting and support services for dual cellular circuits from different carriers at each location and across multiple devices.

Their Challenges

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Cellular networks are noisy and can inundate support staff with irrelevant alerts due to flapping and other cellular behaviors. They needed to reduce IT footprint, not increase.

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Custom integrations geared towards cellular monitoring of not just one, but dual carrier support can be costly and time consuming, or simply not supported by most connectivity software products.

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The software solution needed to be scalable for high volume rollout for speed to market and speed to revenue.

Why Us?

The NSP partnered with us to leverage IntelliTrex, a network management platform with dual cellular monitoring capability for primary and backup alerting, ticketing and monitoring. IntelliTrex’s patent-pending cellular grading algorithm specifically monitors for known interferences, such as flapping, to dramatically reduce the noise common in cellular environments. As a result, The NSP's customer saw 10x fewer tickets, reducing IT footprint, improving connectivity and reducing associated costs for the end user. The discount convenience retailer was so pleased with the platform, they expanded the scope to cover an additional 6,000 sites for its sister brand. Connext was able to implement IntelliTrex software across all 6,000 locations within 3 weeks, providing a huge speed to revenue for the NSP.

Connext drives multi-channel impact

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Dual-cellular circuits per site
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Locations / 7,000 initial + 6,000 Upsell for additional AT&T Revenue

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Increased speed to market and revenue with upsell actualization

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Reduction on alerts with 10x fewer tickets for reduced IT footprint and noise reduction